What We Do
The IFME Institute is engaged in two main areas:
Training, consulting and mentoring
IFME has a professional team with extensive expertise for different sectors of the economy. We offer training, consulting and mentoring programs in support of private sector empowerment and training programs aimed at promoting employment growth among young people and women.
Our modules: IFME offers a wide range of training, consulting and mentoring programs. By sharing experience from the business sector, our trainers are constantly advancing and developing our programs according to the demands of the job market and the business community.
1. Employment Promotion Package
The IFME professional team provides training for young people to support them in achieving their employment goals through the development of the most demanding 21st century skills (soft skills). Our training services are exceeding the expectations of beneficiaries by offering young people the opportunity of practical work and on-the-job training in cooperation with various private sector businesses, in order to promote socio-economic development. The IFME team is building a strong and sustainable organization, to become leading organization in training and employment services in Republic of Kosovo.
2. Business Start-Up Package
IFME implements programs in support of start-up businesses, in order to promote self-employment and entrepreneurship.The training and mentoring programs are professional, motivating and practical from the initiation phase inclusive generating idea and to the detailed development planning of these start-up businesses.The package of modules for start-up businesses turned out to be very successful, giving support to many young people and women to receive grants from various donors and achieve financial sustainability.
3. Existing Businesses Package
We provide training, mentoring and practical advice for existing businesses, which operate in more than 3 years. Our team offers beneficiaries close professional cooperation throughout all stages of project implementation. IFME has influenced the expansion of their market, increased competition in the domestic and international market and adaptability to changes in the business environment.
Research, advocacy and problem solving
IFME has a team of professional researchers engaged in research and analysis with high standards for the business environment in various sectors of the economy. From our researches, we bring ideas for solving the problems faced by the economy and the private sector in the country.
1.Research and advocacy
IFME has a team of professional researchers engaged in research and analysis with high standards for the business environment in various sectors of the economy
Based on the research findings IFME addresses the problems of certain private sectors through public debates, conferences, seminars, media appearances, our website and social media.
2. Provide problem-solving ideas for the private sector
IFME has a team of professional researchers engaged in research and analysis with high standards for the business environment in various sectors of the economy
Based on the research findings IFME addresses the problems of certain private sectors through public debates, conferences, seminars, media appearances, our website and social media.
“We Strongly Believe Women And Youth Economic Empowerment Truly Achieves Economic Growth And Sustainability.”
Our leadership believe
Our leadership
Besa Zogaj Gashi is the Executive Director of IFME, responsible for developing and implementing plans, leading projects, creating long-term strategies, working with, managing networking and representing IFME’s interests in public forums.
Mrs, Zogaj Gashi previous engagements were Deputy Minister at Ministry of Economic Development where she managed and coordination several MED projects in the sector of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Mining sector, Public Enterprises, and ICT sector. While in the position of Deputy Minister together with the World Bank, she initiated and developed the WoW (Women Online Work) project, which was implemented in 9 municipalities, benefiting about 400 young women. The main goal of the initiative was to strengthen the economic role of women, reduce unemployment by focusing on increasing women’s opportunities to work remotely online in various profiles such as web development, graphic design, digital marketing, research and introduction of data.
Prior to this, Mrs Zogaj served as Property Tax Advisor, at Project for Continued Improvement of the Property Tax System in Kosova, “ProTax2”. A program implemented by Swedish Tax Agency and Ministry of Finance of Republic of Kosovo. During that time, she took care of collecting data from all municipalities of Kosovo on projects planned and implemented by property tax revenue, with the purpose of informing taxpayers. Her role was also to promote the project and train municipal property tax officials on regulations on improving the tax collection process and taxpayer service procedures.
Before the ProTax2 project, she was engaged as an expert and adviser at Growth and Fiscal Stability Initiative Project (GFSI), USAID Program implemented by Deloitte Consulting LLP. In the capacity of an adviser, she assessed Central and Local Government in evaluation public financial management based on Public Expenditure Financial Accountability (PEFA) methodology and providing assistance to the local government in using of the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) as a tool to reflect medium-term economic policy priorities in annual budget allocations.
In addition, Ms. Zogaj Gashi served for nine years as a Researcher at the Riinvest Institute, engaging in several research and consultancy projects related to local economic development.
Overall, having nineteen years of expertise as adviser, researcher, trainer, she delivered quality solutions for various institutions/organizations as: central and local government, NGO-s, private sector, and donor funded organizations.
Mrs. Zogaj Gashi graduated at the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Economy. She has also earned a Master’s degree at the Riinvest University.
Mrs. Zogaj Gashi has been giving lectures at UBT-Higher Education Institution since 2015 on subjects such as Public Finance and Economy.
Mrs. Zogaj Gashi was born on June 21st, 1975 in Prishtina.
Board of Directors
The structure of the IFME Board of Directors is composed of 5 members of the Governing Council of KCC-Kosovo Chambers of Commerce (the highest decision-making body in KCC) and at the same time the founder of the institute. The Board of Directors is responsible for selecting the Director, developing the organization’s policies, and overseeing and implementing them.
Member of the Board of Directors

Alajdin Fusha
Alajdin Fusha is a member of the Board of Directors of IFME and member of the Governing Council of KCC-Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, with an extensive experience in the field of business development and management. Since 2007, he is CFO- Chief Financial Officer of “Abi” LLC, one of the largest corporate group within Republic of Kosovo.
He is also co-owner of the “ABI Çarshia” shopping centre in Prizren, one of the largest shopping centres in the country and region with a unique and distinctive environment.
With the aim on raising the competitive level of the dairy producers and the development of the dairy industry in Kosovo, in 2005 Mr. Fusha founded the Association of Dairy Producers of Kosovo and is currently the President of the Association. In 2004 he founded the Association of Dairy Processors and is also the Chairman of the Association.
From 1988 to 1992 he lived in the town of Marmara and studied at Marmara University, Turkey.
Born on August 26th, 1975 in Prizren, Republic of Kosovo.
Member of the Board of Directors

Jeton Vokshi
Jeton Vokshi is a member of the Board of Directors of IFME and member of the Governing Council of KCC-Kosovo Chamber of Commerce. Since 2006, he is Forwarding Manager at Intereuropa Kosova L.L.C Public Customs Warehouse Global Logistics Service. Prior to this, Mr. Vokshi worked at Customs Agency, Pejë.
Since 2012, Jeton has been teaching at College “Pjetër Budi” – Higher Education Institution, on subjects such as Practical work on International Freight Forwarding & Customs Procedures.
Since 2008 he is Managing Board Member of the Kosova International and Domestic Forwarders Association- Kosovo Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Vokshi is certified by IATA for International air cargo transport and trained by Intereuropa d.d. Koper for International Road Transport, specialized in Grupage Cargo (LTL). and managing of Public Customs Warehouse.
From 1998 to 2001 he lived in Norway, worked as assistant, interpreter (Norwegian-Albanian Language), refugee registration clerk and as a representative of the Albanian Refugee Community for Ostvold Region at Norwegian Refugee Camp in Myosin.
Mr. Vokshi is a graduate of the “Pjetër Budi” College, in Customs and International Freight Forwarding. He has also earned a Master’s degree from the “Pjetër Budi” College.
Born on July 30th, 1973 in Peja, Republic of Kosovo.
Rexhep Qarkaxhija is a member of the Board of Directors of IFME and member of the Governing Council of KCC-Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, with an extensive experience in the field of business development and management.
Since 2002, he is the leader and owner of “Extra Shped”, one of the freight forwarding and logistics companies in the Republic of Kosovo. Also from 1980 to 1990 he was a senior foreign trade official at “Trepça Commerc”.
Since 2008 he is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of International and Domestic Entrepreneurs of Kosovo – Kosovo Chamber of Commerce.
In 1975 he completed his studies and is a Machine Engineer.
Born on December 23rd, 1953 in Gjakova, Republic of Kosovo
The Scientific Advisory Committee is a body that provides strategic and professional advice for academic research and vocational training in order to fulfill the mission of the IFME institute by bringing prestige to the organization. The structure of the IFME Scientific Advisory Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Besnik Krasniqi
Mr. Krasniqi is the Director of the Business Support Center in Kosovo (BSK). Mr Krasniqi, a Fulbright doctoral researcher, holds an MA and PhD in Economics from Staffordshire University (UK). Lectures on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management and Research Methods at the University of Prishtina in postgraduate and postgraduate studies. His professional career includes teaching and research in entrepreneurship at the Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands), Indiana University (USA) and University of Michigan (USA), University of Staffordshire (UK), Nice University Sophia Antipolis (France), University State University of Tetova (Macedonia), Riinvest Institute for Development Research (Kosovo). He has written several books, numerous research reports and consulting assignments. His research work in the fields of entrepreneurship, SMEs, transition economies has appeared in international journals such as Int Entrep Manag J, IJEBR, Econ Syst, Post-communist economies. Krasniqi is a senior editor at the International Journal of Emerging Markets.
Mr. Krasniqi has worked on several regional projects funded by the European Commission in Brussels, GIZ and the Regional Cooperation Council, mainly in the areas of economic, investment and trade in the Western Balkan countries. He has been involved in leading several development strategies at national and regional level. Mr. Krasniqi has a wide range of work experience in government, public and private sectors as a manager, consultant and entrepreneur. Worked at the Ministry of Trade and Industry and held the management position as a member of the Board of Directors at Pristina International Airport in Kosovo. Mr. Krasniqi previously owned and operated a family business successfully. He has extensive experience as a freelance consultant and trainer for local and international private companies, government and international donor organizations. Mr. Krasniqi is certified as a Management Consultant by the International Council of Management Institutes.
Born on October 19th , 1978 in Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Visar Hoxha
Associate Professor Visar Hoxha who has ten years of experience in teaching, consulting and research in the field of real estate, sustainable energy buildings and sustainable energy modeling. Possesses thirteen years of experience in managing international companies with international partner institutions. Mr. Hoxha’s experience includes ten years of teaching, six years of research and ten years of consulting. Professor Hoxha has also been Dean of ESLG College since 2010 and since October 1, 2019, he has been serving as Rector of ESLG College.
Mr. Hoxha has extensive professional and managerial experience in several important projects:
• Management of the project “Sustainable Energy Efficient Buildings” funded by the HERD Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway implemented by ESLG College and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology;
• Establishment and accreditation of the Energy Management study program in cooperation with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology;
• Purchase and administration of the largest Post and Telecom Supplementary Pension Fund of Kosovo and KEK while acting as Chief Investment Officer of the Kosovo Pension Fund;
• Managing a $ 100 million private equity portfolio while working for Lehman Brothers New York affiliate 2007-2008.
Mr. Hoxha has provided professional advice on several projects, such as: Land Cadastre Reform at GIZ; Municipal Cadastral Offices in Kosovo; Association of Kosovo Real Estate Agencies; Kosovo Researchers’ Association; Association of Kosovo Assessors.
Mr. Hoxha is also a member of the Scientific Committee, CIRRE Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Real Estate (www.cirre.eu/committee)
Born on December 30th, 1973, in Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Krenare PIREVA NUCIis full-time senior lecturer, in Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at UBT (Kosova). Currently she is visiting lecturer in University of Tirana (Albania), in Applied Informatics, and mentoring Master Thesis in Linnaeus University (Sweden), in Faculty of Technology.
She holds a PhD and Master degree in Computer Science, from University of Sheffield. And her main interests relay in Artificial Intelligence domain, and especially the applied techniques of AI in education domain.
She has participated and published in a number of research paper in collaboration with number of Universities nationally and globally. Lately in UBT she is certified in IPMA International Project Management Association, Level D.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Albulena Shala
Albulena Shala, has completed her doctoral studies in the field of banking and finance at the Faculty of Economics, University of Prishtina. She has a long experience in teaching and research in higher education. She has completed the first level of the Association of Auditors and Accountants of Kosovo for Accounting Technician.
She has a long experience with statistical courses and is well acquainted with statistical software. She is currently an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”.
Our Experts:
IFME brings together leading experts from all over the Kosovo and other countries who provide the highest quality research, policy recommendations, and analysis on a full range of public policy issues.